An Update on Julia

Thank you for your continued prayers for Julia. Here’s an update I posted this morning at our Care Page (Grace Sufficient).


Thank you all for your prayers for Julia’s blood and platelet counts to be sufficiently high so that she can get her weekly chemotherapy treatments. After a month off, Julia was able to receive her treatment this week. And we’re glad, I think.

Most of you know that chemo is hard. And Julia has felt acutely the impact of her taxol/carboplatin combination this week. As a husband it’s certainly a love/hate relationship with chemo. I’m grateful beyond words for the way various chemo treatments over the last four years have kept Julia’s tumors mostly at bay. But I hate the way this poison pounds Julia for the several days afterwards. Julia’s quote to me this morning as she struggled to get out of bed: “This isn’t me.”

And it’s not. Julia is not defined by cancer or chemo. Julia, like every human being who has ever lived or will live, is created in the image of God. And that image, by God’s grace in Christ, is being progressively restored. Yes, outwardly we are wasting away, but inwardly we are being renewed day by day. So we don’t lose heart (cf., 2 Cor. 4:16).

Thank you for not losing heart with us. Your immeasurable love and support are wind in our sails as we navigate these waters that lead, without fail, to the great celestial city where cancer is no more.

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1 Response to An Update on Julia

  1. geoffbaron says:

    Thanks for the update Mike. Even while enjoying the beauty of creation in Alaska you guys have always been on my mind.. there is always an underlying feeling of things not being “right”. I long for the days when we can truly seeing things as they are meant to be.

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